Links (A.K.A Plea for help)

I am new to the blogger world. If anyone out there can suggest some reading material i would greatly appreciate it. Don't send me any fucking fluffy garbage (i don't want to read about anyones kids shitting green for the first time or to read about your fucking dog) Send me something that falls into one of the following categories:

1- Funny
2- Edgy
3- Interesting
4- Though invoking
5- Just plain wrong / inappropriate

Also special points go to anyone who can find me a site that blatantly and without shame mocks, defames, and ridicules the elderly and/or Emo kids. (more importantly Emo Kids... FUCK i hate those creepy little bastards)


Bimbo Baggins said...

Um, hello, I'm obviously going to say to go read my blog. And pretty much anyone on my blogroll is a good read.

I'll have to look around for an emo hating site