We All Do it

There are things that we all do in our day to day life that we like to pretend just don't happen. These are things that if we witness other people doing them we like to make a big deal out of it and talk about how gross these people are. I am as guilty as the next guy for pointing out someone being disgusting for doing something that i would do / have done on a somewhat regular basis. You all know what I'm talking about. As seen in my other posts it seems i like lists, so why break the trend? Lets list it up!

1- Picking your nose. We all do it. We all pretend that we don't, but we do. Your driving down the road, you stop at a red light, you look out your window and the person next to you looks like they are digging for gold. That could be anyone of us. Lets face it, we all pick our nose. there are stubborn little snots up there that a tissue just doesn't have the fortitude to handle. Only the hooking action of your fingernail will do. I'm not saying that its acceptable to be eating your hard earned nasal treasure, but don't judge the poor bastard you caught with their finger up their nose because you know you do it too.

2- Farting. Now this is not news to anyone. We all fart, its natural and cannot be avoided. Passing gas happens. Farting is not really the issue here. What i am talking about is when someone farts (including ourselves) for some reason we all stick around long enough to catch a good whiff of it before taking off. This one i don't really understand, despite the fact that i do it myself. What exactly is it that we are waiting for? Do any of us expect it to smell good? Or do we just hang around so that we have something to complain about? Also now that i think about it,i don't think i have ever seen someone fart and then leave where they just soiled the air around themselves? Do we enjoy the sent of our own rectal trumpet that much that we choose to marinate in it? Farting is usually quite unpleasant to be around, so why do we insist on staying around it long enough to make sure we get a solid nose full of it?

3- B O. And by this i mean body odor. Once again its one of those things that happens, natural, blah blah blah. But how many times have you noticed that you may not be as fresh as you would have hoped, or possibly forgotten the pit stick that morning and then for some reason you were compelled to smell your offensively ripe pits? Don't think no one saw that! You have done it, I have done it, almost everyone out there has done it.

4- Ass Wiping. This is one of the few gross things that we all do that i can at least think of a reason as to why we do it. I still think its very gross but i can see a functional purpose for it. We all shit, we all wipe our ass afterwards, or at least i would hope so. Now once we have wiped our ass with our little bundle of toilet paper we all take a look at our toilet paper to see how the shit smear harvest has been this pass. If you pretend like you don't do this your a liar. And here is why i think we look at our own shitty toilet paper and why i think your a lair if you say you don't. reason: I think we do this so that we can see if we have collected all our stray droppings after shitting. Once the paper comes back white then we know we are done. If its still coming back with a full harvest then we know there is still work to be done. As i said if you say you don't do this then you are either a liar or you are quite possibly walking the streets with a shitty ass.

There are lots of gross things that we would love to pretend that we don't do. But who are we kidding? we all pick our nose, fart then smell it, smell our pits, and look our own shitty toilet paper from time to time. Its part of being human. Also i suppose its a way to check out / maintain our own personal cleanliness. And besides, whats the big deal, we all do it.