When people don't like you

When people don't like you what do you do? There are a lot of different responses to this question. Some people will wonder why the other person doesn't like them, really try to figure it out, and rectify the situation. Others will simply just write the person who doesn't like them off as an asshole. I've seen some go out of their way to figure out a way to have that person learn to like them, kissing their ass until a level of acceptance has been reached. Some people will simply just break down and cry, having their self confidence shatter around them like so much broken glass. And some others just don't care. Me on the other hand i think i may be a hybrid of some of these traits.

If you truly dislike me, and only if i am aware of the fact there are several things that i am going to do.

1- First things first, i am going to attempt to figure out why you don't like me. Not because i am considerate, or in any way shape or form give a shit. Simply because i want to figure out what exactly it is about me that you don't appreciate so that i can go out of my way, each and every time i see you, to have that aspect of who i am shine through. If you didn't like me at first you are really not going to like me once i figure out exactly what it is about me you don't like and rub it directly in your face each and every time we meet.

2- I won't write you off. I will think you are an asshole more then likely, but i won't write you off. Why go through all the trouble of finding out what it is about me you don't like if i am not going to utilize this information to my benefit? Now that i know you don't like me, and why, i am going to try and spend as much time around you as humanly possible. Just to see you squirm.

3- Believe it or not i will kiss your ass. Not when it is just you and i one on one. That wouldn't make sense, when its just me and you i will be busy rubbing the parts of my personality you dislike squarely in your face. But when there are other people around i will be sweet as fucking pie. That way you will want to kill me at all times, seeing as i am such a two faced prick, but all your friends or anyone around will not understand why you hate me so much. Thus making you look like a giant, unfriendly, cocksucker!

4- Crying. Ideally this will happen. But i will not be the one crying. End goal is for you to be so frustrated with me and socially ostracized by everyone around (because they can't understand what it is about me that you don't like so vehemently) that you will eventually break down and cry. Then of course, during your public display of weeping i can swoop in and (publicly) console you, once again proving to everyone else around how unreasonable you are and how great i am.

Its sort of a vicious circle, but its how i operate. So basically the moral of the story is: Well actually i guess there are several morals here i suppose. 1)i am a vindictive asshole 2)you are probably better off just liking me 3)if you don't like me you are definitely better off keeping it to yourself as i have a 4 step plan to fuck with you in a serious way.

Wanna be friends? Either way doesn't matter to me. I'm going to have fun either way.


cozzie laura said...

when people don't like me I always try and figure out why, like a sociology project kinda thing, and then,I can laugh about them and then carry on.